Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ironmaiden is a Slavedriver

Yesterday I did a one-hour training session with Ironmaiden since she was leaving for Kansas today and we'll miss tomorrow's workout. I'm not sure how this all played out, but she convinced me to do this whole P90X abs routine. She probably smiled or something and said she knew I could do it or I'd love it or some garbage like that. She always coats that bitter pill with something smooth and sweet. ha!

So today, I started noticing this soreness in my abs and my upper thighs. As the day progressed, I kept getting sorer and sorer. I started noticing every time I got up from my chair that it was getting harder to do and I was getting slower & stiffer. Then when I started putting my socks on for my bike ride this evening, I suddenly could not reach my foot. My mind said "put sock on" and my body said "uhhhh, we can't move like that no more". I ended up laying sideways on my bed to get my stupid socks on. It was like someone locked the wrench into position and it could no longer touch ends.

But hey, maybe a little bike ride is what I needed to loosen me up so off I went this evening for a spin. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I think this is what old people feel like. I haven't climbed Overlook that slow in ages. I kept looking around to make sure no one was behind me or I was going to be completely embarressed. I thought about stopping to pretend I was looking at a house or the shrubs or something except getting off my bike was too hard. When I got back to the house and was trying to get off my bike, I thought I was going to tumble head over heels. But there is a silver lining at the end of this story.

As I was getting out of my bike clothes, Lauren walked in and saw my exposed midrif. You've got to understand before I tell you what she said that I weigh more than I have in quite some time and Lauren is brutally honest. She is, after all, a teenager. So, although I have built some great muscle tone working out with the Ironmaiden, most of it is hidden under a protective layer of fat. Lauren walked in said "Wow Mom, I know you have some fat you need to lose, but I can see your abs underneath."

YES! So there is some sweet justice after all! Somewhere underneath, there is a six-pack trying to escape!!

1 comment:

Iron Maiden said...

As a personal trainer, this is just the kind of sadistic, twisted stuff we love to hear! The thing is that we know this is what our clients want too. And you know you do, just admit it. We see it in your eyes and we know you ache to, well, ache! You are one tough cookie, ya know it? All I can say is SWWWWEEEET!